Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Kinghitter sell through dealers?

Kinghitter can provide much better service to customers when working through machinery dealers. They will work through the best models and options, and have good local knowledge of the conditions. Dealers will also take trade-ins, arrange finance, deliver the new post driver to your farm and set it up on the tractor. If any after sales service is needed, they are close at hand to help out to minimise any downtime. Spare parts are normally kept in stock at their branches, so you can often get same day service for parts.

Are Kinghitter rammers more expensive than those that are sold direct to the customer?

No they aren’t. Because Kinghitter is the biggest player in the market – they manufacture a lot more post drivers. This has what’s known as economies of scale – so the machines are built more efficiently and the components are cheaper to buy with greater quantities purchased. The combined efficiencies of more production and better buying power means highly competitive (and in many cases cheaper) pricing.

What size tractor or hydraulic system do I require?

Any medium size tractor or larger can be used. The physical size of the tractor and whether it has a front end loader is more important for overall balance than actual horsepower rating. 90hp to 120hp tractors are commonly used.

The hydraulic system needs to deliver the following minimum requirements: Series I: 25-35 Litres minimum per min, and a system pressure of at least 1800 psi. Series II Kinghitter and Series III Kinghitter: 35 Litres per minute minimum, plus a hydraulic system pressure of not less than 1800 psi.

Do not fit a post driver to a tractor that is too small so it could be unstable.


Why is the post so firm when driven by a Kinghitter?

The technique is what our scientists call “Hydraulic Suction.” As the post is driven into the ground, the ground immediately around the post is mechanically strengthened by a reduction in soil porosity and an increase in soil compaction. Thus the surrounding ground pressure will secure the post up to sixteen times firmer than a similar Bored and Tampered Post.


What can I do when I remove the Kinghitter from my 3 point linkage?

All Kinghitters can be stored easily. Just drive a test post into the ground at a safe storage destination, tie the machine onto the post, disconnect the linkages and now it can be stored until you next require your Kinghitter. Side mounted machines are free standing.


What if I have close density pug clay, limestone or hard pan?

You will need to purchase an Pilot Auger Attachment for your Kinghitter. This will enable the post to be driven into the ground, easily. Only available on “Series II” and “Series III” Deluxe machines.


What if I have rocky, stony ground, will the Kinghitter still drive in my posts?

You will need to purchase a Rock Spike Kit, as an add-on accessory to your Kinghitter. Only available on “Series II” and “Series III” machines.


What if I have rocky ground and hard pan?

On some occasions when there both rocky ground and hard pan, it can be nessasary to require both the rockspike and auger systems. This can be achieved with the "rockspike/auger combo kit". 


How high can the hammer weight go?

On the Kinghitter the weight can travel right to the top of the 4.0M, 4.3M ,or 4.9M mast. This enables you to drive anchor posts to ground level or up to 4.0 meter posts with ease.


How heavy is the Driving Hammer?

The hammer weight will depend on model and final specifications chosen, the range varies from 230kg to 400kg. 


How easy is it to align posts?

The Postcap secures the post in an upright position, which is then able to be steered suing the post driver controls. All kinghitter postdrivers come standard wit hydraulic angle tilt and toplink. 


Why is it that the Kinghitter does a quicker job better?

The Kinghitter is built with a unique, three pulley lift system. This means the effective use of a longer, High Tensile ‘Live Wound’ wire rope, for easier, smoother, long life, “lift and drop” action.


Will the Kinghitter fit my Tractors linkage system?

All Kinghitter Post Drivers have provision for category I, II and III linkage systems. This enables the Kinghitter to be fitted to big and small tractors.


How does the Kinghitter prevent damage to the post?

With the unique, Safety Control “POST CAP” that slides up and down the mast with the weight. The “POST CAP” holds the post in perfect control, prevents damage and transfers the driving energy directly into the post. Makes driving the post faster, more accurate and easier.


Where are the hydraulic controls mounted?

The controls are mounted directly onto the Kinghitter. This gives easy and safe operation, by only One Person.


Does the Kinghitter come fully assembled ready to work?

Yes it is. Every Kinghitter post driver is fully assembled in the factory and comprehensively tested on a specially built rig to ensure it is ready for work.  Final assembly, fitting to your tractor and testing is the Authorised Dealer’s responsibility, as there may have been some disassmbly for shipping. 


What training will I require and will it be part of the purchase price?

Your Local Dealer will be able to demonstrate how to operate a  Kinghitter Post driver safely. The operators manual should be studied  prior to operating your Kinghitter Post Driver. Always check the safety instructions before using a Kinghitter Postdriver.


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